
Ankur Mandal

A Handbook On AWS EC2 Monitoring 


Ankur Mandal

5 min read

Monitoring AWS EC2 instances can be daunting, with the potential for unnoticed performance issues that could disrupt services and lead to costly downtime. The lack of real-time insights into instance health and performance can leave businesses vulnerable to unexpected outages and inefficient resource usage. 

AWS EC2 monitoring addresses these challenges by providing comprehensive, real-time monitoring and alerts, ensuring optimal performance and proactive issue resolution.

Overview Of AWS EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is the backbone of AWS, offering scalable virtual servers to host applications and services. EC2 instances provide scalable compute capacity in the cloud. It allows businesses to quickly deploy and manage virtual servers without investing in physical hardware. 

More than 750 instances (virtual servers) of various kinds are available on the Amazon EC2 platform to accommodate multiple enterprise workloads. Users can also select the newest CPU model, storage, networking, and operating system and purchase to suit their needs. Every Amazon EC2 instance has these parts pre-configured in its template.

Here are some significant benefits to answer why you should move to AWS EC2:

  • Elasticity: EC2 provides elasticity, allowing you to scale compute capacity up or down based on demand. You can increase or decrease the number of instances, change instance types, and adjust compute resources (CPU, memory, storage) dynamically to match workload fluctuations.
  • SLA Commitment: Amazon EC2 guarantees a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with a commitment to 99.99% availability for EC2 instances within a Region. This ensures that your applications hosted on EC2 instances are highly available and reliable.
  • AWS Nitro System: The AWS Nitro System is a combination of hardware and software innovations that offloads and accelerates tasks previously handled by virtualization software. This enhances instance performance, reduces latency, and improves security by isolating and protecting tenant workloads.
  • Integration With Services: EC2 integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, such as Amazon S3 for storage, Amazon RDS for databases, AWS Lambda for serverless computing, and more. This integration enables you to build scalable and resilient applications using a variety of AWS resources.

Leveraging AWS EC2 is not enough; you should constantly monitor the instances to get the most out of them. Here is what AWS EC2 monitoring means.

Introduction To AWS EC2 Monitoring

AWS EC2 monitoring refers to tracking and analyzing the performance and health metrics of EC2 instances to ensure they operate optimally. AWS provides several tools and services that can help you monitor your EC2 instances. 

It helps you track the performance metrics of your virtual servers, such as CPU usage, memory utilization, and network traffic. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify any potential bottlenecks or issues that could impact the performance of your applications.

Moreover, monitoring your EC2 instances helps you proactively detect and address security threats and compliance issues. By monitoring log files, network traffic, and system events, you can quickly identify any suspicious activities and take necessary actions to secure your infrastructure.

In short, monitoring AWS EC2 can ensure the high availability, performance, cost-efficiency, and security of your cloud applications

Why AWS EC2 Monitoring Matters?

Imagine running a critical application on AWS EC2 without any insight into its performance. What if there's a sudden spike in traffic or a hidden issue causing slowdowns? Without proper monitoring, you're in the dark, unable to react quickly.

AWS EC2 monitoring is your safety net. It matters because it provides real-time visibility into your instances, alerting you to potential issues before they escalate into major problems. With monitoring, you can:

  • Stay Ahead of Problems: Receive alerts for unusual activity so you can fix issues before they impact users. For example, you can set alarms for high CPU utilization or network latency, ensuring you can address performance bottlenecks promptly.
  • Optimize Performance: Track metrics to ensure your instances are running efficiently and make informed decisions about scaling. Monitoring helps you analyze resource usage trends, allowing you to right-size your instances, reduce AWS costs, and improve overall performance.
  • Ensure Availability: Monitor uptime and health to maintain high availability for your applications, keeping your users happy. By regularly checking instance health and automating recovery actions, you can minimize downtime and enhance the reliability of your services.
  • Enhance Security: Detect and respond to security threats by monitoring for unusual login attempts, unauthorized access, and other security breaches. AWS EC2 monitoring integrates with AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config, providing a comprehensive view of your security posture.
  • Simplify Compliance: Keep detailed logs of instance activity to maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations. Monitoring helps you ensure that your infrastructure meets compliance requirements, providing audit trails and reports as needed.

By actively monitoring your EC2 instances, you gain peace of mind knowing that your applications are performing at their best and that you're ready to tackle any challenges that arise. This proactive approach enhances user satisfaction, optimizes costs, and improves your cloud infrastructure's overall security and reliability.

When monitoring Amazon EC2 instances, it's essential to focus on several key aspects to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and security of your cloud infrastructure. Here's what to look for when performing EC2 monitoring.

Key Metrics To Monitor in AWS EC2

To monitor the condition of your core infrastructure, you should monitor basic system-level metrics, regardless of how each of your instances is configured. Another important task is monitoring the degree to which demand and resource capacity align. 

Instance Health and Status Checks

Instance health and status checks are automated tests Amazon Web Services (AWS) performs to monitor the operational state of EC2 instances. These checks are crucial for verifying that an instance is reachable and functioning correctly within the AWS environment. There are two main types of status checks for AWS EC2 monitoring: system status checks and instance status checks.

1. System Status: Monitor system-level checks provided by AWS, which include network connectivity and instance reachability. Ensure these checks pass to confirm underlying infrastructure health.

AWS performs System Status checks every minute. The instance's system status is flagged as impaired if a check fails consecutively for a specified period (usually several minutes).

The following issues are instances of how system status checks may not succeed:

  • Absence of network connectivity
  • System power outage
  • Problems with the physical host's software
  • Physical host hardware problems that affect network reachability

The StatusCheckFailed System metric is increased when a system status check fails.

2. Instance Status: Monitor instance-specific checks to verify that the operating system and applications running on the instance are functioning correctly. These checks include checking reachability, monitoring system logs, and checking for any software or hardware issues.

AWS also performs instance status checks every minute. Like system status checks, consecutive failures over a period result in the instance's status being marked as impaired.

Issues that may lead to the failure of Instance Status Checks include the following:

  • Ineffective system status checks
  • Inaccurate networking or initial setup
  • Worn-out memory
  • Faulty file system
  • Incompatible kernel 

On Windows, an instance status check displays a failure until the instance becomes available again, such as after an instance reboot or while a Windows instance store-backed instance is being packed.

The StatusCheckFailed Instance metric is incremented when an instance status check fails. 

Performance Metrics

Performance affects user experience, which in turn affects revenue. Slow page loads for web applications will cause users to leave, and some may never return. System performance should always be monitored since spikes in activity or times of high demand are often when it is most impacted.

1. CPU Metrics

The first metric affecting the instances' overall performance and health is CPU metrics. Here are all the CPU metrics with their details: 

  • CPUUtilization: CPUUtilization measures the percentage of time that the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of an EC2 instance is busy processing instructions. It indicates how much of the CPU's processing capacity is utilized at any given time. CPU utilization is typically represented as a percentage (%) and can be monitored over different time intervals (e.g., every 5 minutes, hourly averages).
    You should track CPU usage to understand the workload demands on EC2 instances. High CPU utilization could indicate a need to scale up instance types or optimize applications.
  • CPU Credit Metrics (T2/T3 Instances): AWS offers burstable performance instances (e.g., T2, T3) that accumulate CPU credits during periods of low usage. These credits are spent during bursts of CPU activity.
  • CPUCreditUsage: CPUCreditUsage is a metric that measures the number of CPU credits consumed by an EC2 instance over a specific period.

What is its usage? 

  • CPUCreditUsage increments when the instance consumes CPU resources beyond its baseline performance level (measured in CPU credits).
  • Burstable instances accumulate CPU credits during periods of low CPU usage, which are then used during bursts of activity.
    Monitoring CPUCreditUsage helps understand how effectively an instance utilizes its CPU credits. It indicates whether the instance is operating within its baseline or consuming surplus credits during bursts of CPU activity.
    You can track CPUCreditUsage in AWS CloudWatch metrics to visualize and analyze CPU credit consumption. You can also set alarms based on thresholds to monitor usage patterns and ensure instances have sufficient credits to meet workload demands.

CPUCreditBalance: CPUCreditBalance represents the remaining CPU credits available for an EC2 instance at any given time.

When is it used? 

  • Burstable instances like T2 and T3 give CPU credits when operating below their baseline CPU performance level.
  • CPUCreditBalance decreases as CPU credits are consumed during bursts of CPU activity.

Monitoring CPUCreditBalance is crucial to ensure that burstable instances have sufficient credits to handle workload spikes effectively without performance throttling. You can monitor CPUCreditBalance alongside CPUCreditUsage in CloudWatch to assess the availability and depletion rate of CPU credits. Also, you can use alarms to alert when CPUCreditBalance drops below a specified threshold, indicating a potential need to scale instance types or adjust workload patterns.

CPUSurplusCreditBalance: CPUSurplusCreditBalance measures the accumulated surplus CPU credits available for a burstable instance beyond its baseline.

What is its usage? 

  • Surplus CPU credits are accumulated when burstable instances operate below their baseline performance level and do not use their full allocation of accrued CPU credits.
  • CPUSurplusCreditBalance reflects the surplus credits available for burstable performance beyond the initial baseline.

Tracking CPUSurplusCreditBalance provides insights into how efficiently burstable instances utilize surplus CPU credits during periods of low demand. You can monitor CPUSurplusCreditBalance to optimize resource usage and understand the efficiency of burstable instance performance. Also, this metric will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of instance sizing and workload management strategies.

CPUSurplusCreditsCharged: CPUSurplusCreditsCharged measures the number of surplus CPU credits consumed by an instance during a specific period.

What is its usage?

  • Burstable instances use surplus CPU credits beyond their baseline during bursts of CPU activity.
  • CPUSurplusCreditsCharged indicates the amount of additional CPU resources consumed beyond the baseline allocation of CPU credits.

Monitoring CPUSurplusCreditsCharged helps understand the impact of burstable performance on overall instance costs and resource utilization. You can track CPUSurplusCreditsCharged to analyze the cost implications of using surplus CPU credits for burstable instances. Use this metric to optimize cost management strategies and ensure efficient use of burstable instance capabilities.

Note: The last two metrics are exclusive to instances that have been set to unlimited. 

These AWS EC2 CPU metrics related to CPU credits (CPUCreditUsage, CPUCreditBalance, CPUSurplusCreditBalance, CPUSurplusCreditsCharged) are essential for monitoring and managing burstable performance instances like T2 and T3. By effectively monitoring these metrics through AWS CloudWatch, organizations can optimize instance performance, manage costs, and ensure that burstable instances operate efficiently within their CPU credit limits.

2. Memory Usage & Metrics

Monitoring memory usage in AWS EC2 is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, stability, and efficiency of your instances. Memory metrics provide insights into how EC2 instances utilize available RAM, helping you manage resource allocation, detect performance bottlenecks, and optimize your cloud infrastructure. 

Monitoring Memory Utilization helps in:

  • Capacity Planning: Understanding current memory usage trends to forecast future requirements and scale instance types accordingly.
  • Performance Optimization: Identifying instances that require additional memory resources or adjustments in application configurations to improve performance.

How to monitor? 

  • AWS CloudWatch is used to monitor memory utilization metrics for EC2 instances.
  • Set CloudWatch alarms based on MemoryUtilization thresholds to receive notifications when memory usage exceeds predefined levels, enabling proactive management and troubleshooting.

You can also include MemoryAvailable metrics in CloudWatch dashboards to visualize and analyze the availability of free memory. If needed, you can also monitor SwapUsage metrics in CloudWatch to track instances with high swap activity.

3. Disk I/O Usage & Metrics

In AWS EC2 monitoring, tracking disk I/O (Input/Output) metrics is essential for understanding how instances utilize storage resources. Disk I/O metrics provide insights into data transfer rates between EC2 instances and their attached EBS (Elastic Block Store) volumes. Here’s a detailed description of disk I/O metrics and their significance in AWS EC2 monitoring:

DiskReadBytes and DiskWriteBytes

DiskReadBytes: It measures the number of bytes read from all disk volumes attached to an EC2 instance.

DiskWriteBytes: It measures the total number of bytes written to all disk volumes attached to an EC2 instance.

What is their usage? 

  • DiskReadBytes and DiskWriteBytes metrics provide insights into the volume of data being read from and written to EBS volumes.
  • Monitoring these metrics helps assess the workload demands on storage resources and identify data access patterns.

Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor DiskReadBytes and DiskWriteBytes metrics for EC2 instances. You can set CloudWatch alarms based on thresholds to receive notifications when disk I/O rates exceed predefined levels, enabling proactive management and performance tuning.

DiskReadOps and DiskWriteOps

  • DiskReadOps: It measures the total number of read operations from all disk volumes attached to an EC2 instance.
  • DiskWriteOps: It measures the total number of write operations to all disk volumes attached to an EC2 instance.

What is their usage? 

  • DiskReadOps and DiskWriteOps metrics quantify the number of read and write operations performed on EBS volumes.
  • Monitoring these metrics helps assess I/O workload patterns and identify instances with high disk access requirements.

For monitoring, include DiskReadOps and DiskWriteOps metrics in CloudWatch dashboards to track I/O operations over time. You can also set CloudWatch alarms to alert you when disk operations exceed thresholds, prompting investigation and potential adjustments in instance configurations or application optimizations.

Monitoring disk I/O metrics such as DiskReadBytes, DiskWriteBytes, DiskReadOps, and DiskWriteOps in AWS EC2 is critical for maintaining optimal performance, capacity planning, and resource management.

4. Network Metrics

In AWS EC2 monitoring, tracking network metrics is crucial for understanding how instances communicate with other resources, both within and outside the AWS environment. Network metrics provide insights into network performance, bandwidth utilization, and connectivity. It helps to optimize application delivery, diagnose issues, and ensure efficient data transfer. Here’s an overview of key network metrics and their significance in AWS EC2 monitoring:

NetworkIn and NetworkOut

  • NetworkIn: It measures the number of bytes received by the EC2 instance on all network interfaces.
  • NetworkOut: It measures the number of bytes sent by the EC2 instance on all network interfaces.

What is their usage?

  • Data Transfer: NetworkIn and NetworkOut metrics quantify the volume of inbound and outbound data traffic for EC2 instances.
  • Bandwidth Utilization: Monitoring these metrics helps assess bandwidth usage and identify instances with high data transfer requirements.

AWS CloudWatch monitors NetworkIn and NetworkOut metrics for EC2 instances. You can set CloudWatch alarms based on thresholds to receive notifications when network traffic exceeds predefined levels, allowing proactive management and capacity planning.

NetworkPacketsIn and NetworkPacketsOut

  • NetworkPacketsIn: Measures the number of packets received by the EC2 instance on all network interfaces.
  • NetworkPacketsOut: Measures the number of packets sent by the EC2 instance on all network interfaces.

What is their usage? 

  • Packet-Level Monitoring: NetworkPacketsIn and NetworkPacketsOut metrics track the number of network packets transmitted and received.
  • Performance Analysis: Monitoring packet-level metrics helps diagnose network congestion, latency issues, or anomalies in network traffic patterns.

For monitoring, include NetworkPacketsIn and NetworkPacketsOut metrics in CloudWatch dashboards for real-time visibility into network packet activity. You can also configure CloudWatch alarms to alert when packet rates exceed thresholds, prompting investigation and potential adjustments to network configurations or traffic management strategies.

Overall, network metrics such as NetworkIn, NetworkOut, NetworkPacketsIn, and NetworkPacketsOut in AWS EC2 monitoring is essential for optimizing network performance, managing costs, and ensuring efficient data transfer across instances. 

However, keeping an eye on every statistic for a commercial computing cluster is still a lot of work. Even with EC2's flexibility and resilience, continuing goals still call for careful monitoring of capacity, dependability, and relationships with other infrastructure and services. That's why you have to follow some considerations for effective AWS EC2 monitoring.

What You Can Do For Effective AWS EC2 Monitoring?

Before starting AWS EC2 monitoring, here are some essential questions that you must ask yourself:

  • Purpose: What drives your need for AWS EC2 monitoring? Understanding the core reasons behind monitoring will ensure alignment with your operational and business objectives.
  • Targeted Resources: Which specific resources are critical for your monitoring efforts? Identifying the key EC2 instances and associated services ensures focused monitoring tailored to your infrastructure needs.
  • Monitoring Tools Selection: What types of AWS monitoring tools are essential for your setup?
  • Monitoring Frequency: How frequently should resources be monitored? Defining monitoring intervals ensures timely detection of anomalies or performance issues, optimizing response times.
  • Responsibility and Notification: Who will take charge or be promptly notified in case of identified issues? Clearly defining responsibilities and notification protocols ensures swift action and resolution of monitoring alerts.

Once you have answers to the above questions, you can have a robust AWS EC2 monitoring plan.

The next step is setting up a baseline for typical Amazon EC2 performance in your environment. To follow this, you can:

  • Identify Critical Metrics: Determine which metrics (CPU utilization, memory usage, disk I/O, network traffic, etc.) are essential for monitoring based on application requirements and performance expectations.
  • Set Performance Baselines: Establish baseline performance metrics to understand normal behavior and set thresholds for alerts and notifications.

For example, you can monitor your EC2 instances' CPU and network use. If performance deviates from your predetermined range, you may need to optimize or reconfigure the instance to lower CPU usage or network traffic.

After you are prepared with all this, here are some of the best strategies to ensure effective AWS EC2 monitoring.

4 Key Strategies For Effective AWS EC2 Monitoring

To follow a full-proof AWS EC2 monitoring strategy for your business, you can follow the ones listed below: 

1. Fully Utilize AWS CloudWatch For Monitoring

 You can use AWS CloudWatch for centralized monitoring of EC2 instances and associated resources. 

  • Enable Detailed Monitoring: Enable enhanced monitoring for EC2 instances to collect detailed metrics at a 1-minute interval, including CPU utilization, memory usage, disk performance, and network statistics. By default, CloudWatch collects basic metrics at a 5-minute interval. Consider enabling detailed monitoring for critical instances that require higher resolution metrics.
  • Dashboards: You can create custom dashboards in CloudWatch to visualize metrics, monitor trends, and detect anomalies.
  • Alarms: You can set up CloudWatch alarms based on predefined thresholds to receive notifications for critical events or performance deviations. You can also define notification actions for alarms to alert administrators via Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service), email, SMS, or integration with third-party applications.
  • Utilize CloudWatch Logs: You can stream EC2 instance logs and application logs to CloudWatch Logs for centralized log management. It lets you create metric filters to extract custom metrics from logs, such as error rates, API calls, or application-specific events. You can integrate CloudWatch Logs with CloudWatch Metrics to monitor log data and create alarms based on log events or patterns.

2. Take care of the Instance State & Health

Monitoring the instance state and health is crucial for maintaining the reliability, availability, and performance of your AWS EC2 instances. AWS provides several tools and best practices to ensure your instances operate smoothly and efficiently. The Amazon EC2 console dashboard provides a quick overview of your Amazon EC2 environment's condition.

The Amazon EC2 Dashboard displays scheduled events by region and service health.

  • Check the Instance State (running, stopped, terminated) to ensure instances are operational.
  • You can check 'Alarm Status' to ensure you don't cross any threshold. 
  • It provides details about the instance metrics.
  • You can get details of the volume metric.

You can also leverage the CloudWatch dashboard to show current alarms and status, graphs of the resources and alarms, and service health status. 

Amazon Eventbridge can respond to system events and automate your AWS services. Nearly real-time events from AWS services are sent to EventBridge, where you can define automatic actions to be performed when an event corresponds with a rule you create.

3. Set Up Effective monitoring & Automation

Effective monitoring should be prioritized to address minor issues before they grow into major ones. Having total visibility into your AWS infrastructure is crucial. The more information you get from all of your AWS services, the simpler it will be to identify, diagnose, and fix problems before they become expensive breakdowns. You can leverage AWS native monitoring tools, like CloudWatch and CloudTrail, for this. 

However, monitoring your AWS infrastructure can be time-consuming and difficult, especially when looking for crucial metrics. Thus, you should opt for automation to set up effective and quick AWS EC2 monitoring for you. Here is what you can opt for:

  • Automation: Leverage CloudWatch Events and AWS Lambda for automated responses to monitoring events (e.g., auto-scaling based on CPU utilization).
  • Alerts: Configure CloudWatch alarms to notify stakeholders via email, SMS, or integration with third-party incident management tools.
  • Autoscaling: Auto Scaling automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances in your fleet based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency. You can scale your instances up or down in response to fluctuating workloads, improving availability and resource utilization.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is a service provided by AWS that automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances in your auto scaling group based on the conditions you define. This capability helps ensure you have the right number of instances available to handle varying application workloads without manual intervention. 

Moreover, a lot of Amazon's solutions only offer limited analytics support. You can only plot the metrics that CloudWatch Metrics provides. It is unable to compute or derive new variables, identify certain patterns of recurring behavior, or anticipate issues before they become serious. There is no analytics or visualization support available for CloudWatch Logs and CloudTrail. Here, you can opt for third-party tools like Lucidity for specialized monitoring needs and enhanced auto-scaling capabilities. 

Leverage Lucidity For Advanced Monitoring & Automation Capabilities

It is an innovative solution that provides real-time monitoring of your storage resources. Its fundamental idea is to use dynamic auto-scaling of storage resources to meet your real-time needs precisely. As a result, over-provisioning is avoided, management is streamlined, and your apps are always given the storage they require to function at their best.

By serving as a "No-Ops" layer, Lucidity helps you get the most out of your AWS cloud storage investments while easing the load on IT workers.

Lucidity's main innovation is its intelligent auto-scaling solution, which completely changes how cloud storage is managed. Here are the fundamentals behind auto-scaling:

  • Constant Monitoring: Lucidity continuously examines your storage consumption patterns and collects real-time analytics to determine your actual demands.
  • Real-Time Right-Sizing: Lucidity's algorithms determine when to increase or decrease storage capacity. If demand rises, it automatically improves storage capacity, ensuring that your apps always have the required resources. On the other hand, Lucidity reduces storage allocation to remove waste when usage decreases.
  • Zero Downtime: Any scale changes do not impact your apps or data. This is crucial for maintaining performance and a flawless user experience.

Here is how Lucidity works for you!

Firstly, a storage audit thoroughly examines and evaluates storage to identify the cause of inefficiencies. Following the audit procedure, audit reports show where resources can be optimized to reduce cloud expenses. We at Lucidity automate the manual discovery and monitoring process because it is laborious, time-consuming, and requires resources from DevOps teams.

To overcome this difficulty, Lucidity offers a user-friendly and readily deployed technology in the form of a storage audit and auto-scaler that automates the process. This tool offers extensive insights into disk health and utilization, allowing you to optimize costs and minimize downtime. 

After the audit process, integrating your cloud infrastructure with Lucidity is easy and fast, typically taking no more than 15 minutes. Lucidity is deployed on EC2 instances using the retrieved audit report. 

It performs two crucial tasks: One is to gather and supply the auto-scaler with storage metrics, such as volume, burst, queue, latency, IOPS, etc.

Secondly, this auto-scaler's algorithm automatically tells the agents to expand or shrink according to the available resources.

Lucidity's Block Storage Auto-Scaler takes over when resources are detected as idle or overprovisioned. Several benefits are available to you, including:

  • Lucidity's Block Storage auto-scaler automates the modification or adjustment of storage resources, saving up to 70% on idle resource expenditures
  • Furthermore, manual provisioning processes commonly cause outages. However, using Lucidity's Block Storage Auto-Scaler, resource changes may be implemented in minutes, ensuring uninterrupted performance and avoiding downtime

Interested to explore? 

Ask for a demo with Lucidity to discover how advanced monitoring can lower your overall effort and storage expenses.

4. Security and Compliance Considerations

When implementing AWS EC2 monitoring, it's crucial to address security and compliance considerations to safeguard data, ensure regulatory adherence, and protect against unauthorized access. 

Here are key considerations for security and compliance in AWS EC2 monitoring.

  • Securing EC2 Instances: You can implement best security practices using IAM roles, security groups, and network ACLs. You can also mitigate security risks with CloudTrail and other AWS security services.
  • Compliance and Auditing: You should ensure EC2 instances comply with industry standards (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA). You can use AWS Config for compliance monitoring and governance.
  • AWS Inspector: It assesses the security and compliance of EC2 instances. Conduct vulnerability assessments and prioritize remediation based on severity ratings provided by the AWS inspector.
  • AWS Security Hub: Utilize AWS Security Hub to centrally manage and monitor security alerts and compliance status across AWS accounts. Integrate Security Hub findings with CloudWatch Events and Lambda for automated incident response.

AWS EC2 Monitoring: Keep Your Cloud Infrastructure in Check

In conclusion, monitoring your AWS EC2 instances is essential for maintaining optimal performance, ensuring security, and minimizing downtime. By monitoring key metrics, such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, network traffic, disk I/O, and status checks, you can easily identify and address issues before they impact your instance's performance. 

You should implement the best considerations, such as setting up CloudWatch Alarms, utilizing Auto Scaling, and implementing Detailed Monitoring. All this can help you optimize your AWS EC2 monitoring practices and enhance your overall AWS experience. 

Start monitoring your EC2 instances today to maximize efficiency and performance in the cloud!

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