
Ankur Mandal

Cloud Cost Management Tools Comparison


Ankur Mandal

5 min read

As companies increasingly rely on cloud infrastructure, managing cloud costs has become a priority. Cloud cost management tools provide essential insights, automation, and optimization capabilities to monitor and manage cloud spending effectively.

This blog post will thoroughly analyze leading Cloud cost management solutions. We will evaluate their features and functionalities, providing insights into how they can suit various business requirements. 

Different Types of Cloud Cost Management Tools

Cloud cost management tools are critical in optimizing resource usage and financial efficiency within cloud environments. There are different cloud cost management tools, each targeting specific aspects of cost control. 

Understanding the distinct categories and key selection factors is essential for organizations aiming to achieve effective cloud cost management. Join us as we delve into navigating this crucial aspect of cloud operations.

  1. Block Storage Optimization Tools: Enhance your storage management capabilities to improve overall performance, achieve cost savings on your cloud bill, and prevent downtime. In an age where cloud environments are being implemented and leveraged for cloud computing, storage also plays a critical role. Ignoring the costs associated with block storage can result in wasted financial resources and reduced productivity if not optimized. 
    A recent study by by Virtana, titled "State of Hybrid Cloud Storage 2023," interviewed 350 individuals from the IT industry. It found that  94% of the respondents reported rising cloud storage costs, and 54% noted that storage expenses increased more than their overall cloud bill. This highlights the need for effective and efficient block storage orchestration tools that streamline the provisioning, configuration, and management of storage resources to maximize cost savings, agility, reliability, and productivity. 
    This is where Lucidity comes to the rescue. It is one such solution that excels in automated block storage management of your cloud infrastructure, which will all be explored further. 
  1. Cost Visibility Tools: Efficiency begins with insight. Real-time cost visibility tools break down cloud spending by services, departments, or projects, clarifying expenditure patterns. Organizations can use this insight to identify areas of overspending and make smarter resource allocation decisions.
  2. Budgeting and Forecasting Tools: Stay ahead of financial challenges with budgeting and forecasting tools. Set spending limits, predict future costs, and align projections with usage. This proactive approach to financial planning prevents budget overruns and anticipates potential challenges.
  3. Reserved Instance Management Tools: Optimize your cloud investments with tools tailored for reserved instances. These solutions recommend the optimal mix of reserved and on-demand instances, ensuring cost efficiency without sacrificing performance.
  4. Rightsizing Tools: Precision meets performance with rightsizing tools. By analyzing resource utilization, these tools recommend adjustments to match actual demand. Identify over-provisioned or underused resources to streamline infrastructure and minimize costs.
  5. Automated Policy Enforcement Tools: Automated tools make it easy to enforce cost management policies. These tools orchestrate resource scaling, shutdown schedules, and resource tagging, ensuring adherence to predefined rules for accurate cost allocation and optimization.
  6. Cloud cost governance tools: These software solutions help organizations manage and govern their cloud spending effectively. They provide features to ensure efficient cloud resource usage, cost control, and budget adherence. By using these tools, organizations can achieve cost efficiency and compliance with cost management policies.
  7. Monitoring and analysis tools: These tools play a vital role in cloud cost management by offering real-time visibility into cloud usage and costs. They help identify inefficiencies and anomalies, facilitate performance optimization, support capacity planning and cost forecasting, and provide recommendations for cost optimization. These tools allow organizations to control cloud spending and optimize cloud resources.

Categorizing All Cloud Cost Management Tools

The ultimate goal of cloud cost management is to promote proper resource allocation and utilization to ensure cost efficiency and identify opportunities for cost savings. Achieving this goal involves common practices such as storage optimization, budgeting, reserved instances management, rightsizing, and proper governance. Various cloud tools are designed to cater to these practices while aligning with your company’s business goals. 

Here, we will be categorizing each service and a few associated tools that specialize in that service.

Block Storage Optimization Tools

Storage optimization is a critical element of cloud cost management that is sometimes overlooked, potentially leading to higher bills. Applications and resources within your cloud can consume a significant portion of your storage space, so proper provisioning is essential to handle all your workloads and resources without causing operational disruptions. 

This section will explore tools that offer streamlined and efficient storage management to help you achieve this goal. 


Enhance your block storage optimization with Lucidity, an innovative cloud orchestration tool designed to tackle the core challenges of cloud storage. Lucidity introduces an intelligent, automated block storage auto-scaler, the first in the industry, offering expansion and live shrinkage for your cloud block storage. This allows you to dynamically adjust resources in real-time, optimizing usage and eliminating operational inefficiencies.

Lucidity has significantly impacted various industries, benefiting organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies like SpartanNash to emerging businesses such as Bobble AI, Royal Sundaram, and Allegis Group. These companies have successfully leveraged Lucidity's capabilities to streamline cloud cost optimization and infrastructure management processes.

The tool offers exceptional scalability, reliability, and efficiency in seamlessly managing cloud storage resources, empowering businesses to harness cloud storage's full potential. As businesses grow and evolve, platforms like Lucidity are instrumental in driving innovation, enabling digital transformation, and fostering agility for a competitive edge in the market.

Lucidity effectively addresses the key challenges organizations with massive and complex cloud infrastructures often face today:

  1. Overprovisioning and Wasted Costs: Companies frequently provision excess storage due to performance concerns, resulting in idle capacities and inflated cloud bills. Lucidity helps optimize storage based on actual needs, minimizing waste and cutting costs. 
  2. Unpredictable Workloads: Fluctuating workloads from seasonal spikes, market changes, and sudden growth phases can disrupt storage demands. Lucidity's dynamic provisioning models adapt to these variations, preventing bottlenecks during surges and avoiding costly overprovisioning.
  3. Inefficient Storage Management: Manual provisioning can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, causing delays and impacting productivity. Lucidity automates cloud provisioning and streamlines storage management, even in multi-cloud environments, enhancing efficiency and user experience. 

To address the highlighted problems, Lucidity offers two innovative solutions:

  1. Block Storage Auto-scaler: Lucidity's Block Storage auto-scaler simplifies storage management by automatically adjusting storage resources in real-time. This solution eliminates overprovisioning by expanding or shrinking storage resources as needed, ensuring that usage aligns with your organization's requirements. By optimizing resource utilization and eliminating idle areas, you can maximize cost savings and maintain efficient storage provisioning. 
  2. Storage Audit: Lucidity's Storage Audit solution provides a comprehensive audit of your cloud infrastructure, offering actionable insights into storage usage patterns, underutilized areas that need to be eliminated, and redundant practices that need to be addressed. Automating storage usage analysis frees DevOps from manual tasks that are costly, time-consuming, and potentially hinder productivity. With complete visibility into storage utilization, you can make informed decisions that lead to significant cost savings and long-term improvements in your cloud infrastructure.

How Does Lucidity Work?

Lucidity's automated storage provisioning process begins with the deployment of the Lucidity solution into your cloud infrastructure. Once integrated, Lucidity serves as an additional layer that enhances your cloud's block storage capabilities. Lucidity is compatible with popular cloud service providers such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You can select from three deployment methods for the Lucidity agent:

  • Lucidity-hosted: In this approach, the auto-scaler engine remains on Lucidity's servers while the agent is deployed into your cloud infrastructure. The agent monitors specific metrics such as disk utilization, volume, burst, latency, IOPS, and more. Based on this analysis, the auto-scaler engine issues commands to the agent to expand or shrink storage as needed. This process is fast and seamless, with minimal downtime or operational disruptions risk.
  • Self-hosted: In the self-hosted approach, both the auto-scaler engine and agent are integrated directly into your cloud infrastructure. This method provides greater control and customizability, especially if you prefer to manage your cloud resources independently and scale your operations internally. 
  • Private Link: Similar to private link options provided by AWS and Azure, Lucidity offers a private link dedicated to your use. This option features high-end data protection services, facilitating the secure transmission of resource allocation data to Lucidity's servers. It provides enhanced security and privacy in your cloud management activities. 

Before the tool is deployed, a comprehensive storage audit is conducted on your cloud infrastructure, which spans a week and is done at no cost. A detailed audit report highlights current storage inefficiencies, idle areas within the infrastructure that need to be eliminated, and opportunities where further cost savings can be achieved. This facilitates better decision-making that will benefit your organization in the long run. Some critical insights in the audit report include present disk spend analysis, disk downtime risks, and overprovisioned areas that need to be optimized for higher operational efficiency and reduced downtime.

By incorporating Lucidity into your cloud environment, you gain the following benefits that help you unlock the full potential of storage optimization and cloud cost management:

  1. Zero Downtime and Maximum Operational Efficiency: Lucidity enhances your cloud's performance by automating storage provisioning processes and eliminating idle resources in real-time. This approach can save you up to 70% on your overall cloud bill. The auto-scaler promptly provisions the right amount of storage capacity when significant portions of your block storage are unused or when disk utilization exceeds predefined limits. 
    With automated provisioning, manual intervention or DevOps supervision is minimized, allowing your team to focus on high-value tasks that require human attention and boost productivity. The tool prevents downtime, protecting your financial resources and reputation from operational disruptions.
    To further enhance your cost-saving potential, you can utilize the ROI Calculator, which requires inputting key metrics such as disk spend, disk growth rate, and disk utilization. This tool helps you assess the return on investment of your cloud infrastructure and identify areas where additional savings can be achieved.
  1. Seamless Integration: Lucidity integrates effortlessly with cloud service providers such as Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform, minimizing disruptions in any cloud environment. Its emphasis on automation and seamless integration facilitates quick setup and deployment times. 
  2. Live shrinkage and expansion: Lucidity seamlessly expands your storage capacity to ensure applications always have the resources they need. Conversely, when usage drops, Lucidity shrinks storage allocation to eliminate wastage without any downtime. 

Cost Visibility Tool

Cost visibility tools provide comprehensive insights into all expenses associated with cloud applications, resources, and infrastructure. By leveraging such tools, you will get a better understanding on how you use cloud resources and how much they cost. 

Cloud visibility tools go beyond displaying consolidated information; they empower you to extract valuable details and make informed decisions based that benefit your organization. These tools offer a foundation for strategic cost management and resource allocation in cloud environments.


Enhance your cloud management with CloudCheckr, which offers comprehensive visibility and optimization insights for your cloud spend. Manage single or multi-cloud infrastructures seamlessly, uncover spending trends, and access tailored cost-saving recommendations.

CloudCheckr goes beyond cost efficiency, equipping you with robust tools to mitigate risks within your cloud infrastructure. Its automated remediation capabilities help maintain compliance across 35+ standards and prepare you for audits, ensuring your cloud operations remain secure and compliant.

Elevate your cloud management strategy with CloudCheckr's integrated cost optimization and risk mitigation solutions. As part of NetApp's Spot constellation for cloud management, this tool focuses on cost management by monitoring common spending activities such as consumption, forecasting, and optimizing instance sizes.

Budgeting and Forecasting Tool

Budgeting and forecasting tools are key components of your organization’s overall budgeting process. They incorporate FinOps practices to help you plan and predict your cloud expenses over time. These tools enable you to create a realistic cloud budget, helping you stick to it and avoid unexpected charges on your cloud bill. 

Here, we will explore one of Amazon’s popular budgeting tools, which can help you monitor and control your cloud spending.

AWS Cost Explorer

Enhance your cost management with AWS Cost Explorer, a powerful suite of tools designed to analyze and visualize your spending data effectively. Access comprehensive spending reports, accurate cost forecasts, and advanced filtering capabilities for in-depth spending analysis.

By leveraging AWS Cost Explorer, companies can uncover valuable insights into cost trends and usage patterns. This facilitates informed decision-making for budgeting and optimization strategies. With its intuitive interface and robust features, AWS Cost Explorer empowers organizations to optimize their AWS spending and drive greater cost efficiency across their cloud infrastructure.

Reserved Instances Management Tools

Reserved Instances are public cloud resources purchased in advance with a commitment for a specified period in exchange for a discount. This practice is highly recommended for cloud cost management as it leads to significant cost savings by acquiring new resources or instances at a lower price than on-demand instances.

You can integrate reserved instance orchestrators into your cloud infrastructure to further optimize your cloud costs. Here are some of the most popular tools for that purpose.


Experience seamless cost optimization and uninterrupted performance with Xosphere's innovative platform, powered by its cutting-edge feature, "Instance Orchestrator." This unique tool enables companies to harness spot instances reliably by seamlessly integrating with Amazon Auto Scaling Groups.

Xosphere's Instance Orchestrator actively monitors instances within each group and intelligently replaces on-demand instances with spot instances whenever they become available at favorable prices. This automated process ensures optimal cost savings without compromising on performance or reliability.

With Xosphere, companies can effortlessly optimize their cloud infrastructure costs while maintaining consistent performance levels, unlocking the full potential of spot instances for unparalleled efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


ProsperOps revolutionizes AWS cost management by streamlining cloud rate optimization andeliminating manual effort. With ProsperOps, organizations can effortlessly maximize AWS cost savings while focusing on their core operations.

By utilizing ProsperOps, companies autonomously curate, manage, and optimize a diversified portfolio of Savings Plans and Reserved Instances (RIs), tailored for optimal cloud cost efficiency. These commitments dynamically adjust every hour to align precisely with your usage requirements, ensuring you only pay for the resources essential to your operations.

ProsperOps provides comprehensive support for your entire AWS compute estate, encompassing all EC2 instance types, including GovCloud and instances running Windows workloads. This widecoverage ensures that your cost optimization strategy extends across your entire infrastructure.

By eliminating the manual management of discount instruments, ProsperOps liberates valuable time for team members, empowering them to focus on strategic initiatives rather than administrative tasks.

Rightsizing Tools

Rightsizing refers to optimizing the size of your cloud resources to match specific workloads. This ensures maximum resource utilization, delivering the most value while reducing costs. Below are a few examples of popular rightsizing tools for your cloud infrastructure. These tools will help you get the best out of your resources and fulfill workload requirements of all sizes.


CloudAdmin gives users a unified dashboard aggregating cost data from diverse cloud services, providing a centralized and comprehensive view of cloud expenditures.

With CloudAdmin, tracking, analyzing, and optimizing cloud spending becomes effortless. Users gain insights into underutilized resources and receive actionable recommendations for cost-saving opportunities, empowering them to make informed decisions that drive efficiency and maximize ROI.

CloudAdmin is not just a passive observer of cloud usage; it actively assists in optimizing resources by tracking usage patterns and offering suggestions for rightsizing servers or converting them to reserved instances. This proactive approach ensures that your infrastructure is constantly optimized for cost efficiency.

Furthermore, CloudAdmin allows you to allocate server instances to specific teams and track their usage against predefined budgets. If spending exceeds the set thresholds, CloudAdmin triggers alerts that can be seamlessly integrated with email or popular communication tools like PagerDuty. This ensures that personnel are promptly notified, enabling swift action to address any potential overspending or budgetary concerns.

Automated Policy Enforcement Tools

Automated policy enforcement tools are primarily used to ensure that a company’s policies and regulations are properly defined, applied, and consistently enforced across its IT infrastructure. These tools are designed to automate detecting and responding to policy violations in real-time or on a scheduled basis. 

Here are some tools that can help you avoid compliance risks, errors, and security breaches by enforcing policies and regulations.

Spot by NetApp

Spot by NetApp, formerly known as and Spotinst, is a vital CloudOps tool designed to streamline the deployment and operation of cloud infrastructure and applications. It focused on  reliability, security, and efficiency.

Spot leverages its sophisticated automation features and machine learning algorithms to continuously analyze cloud resource usage. This ongoing analysis allows users to identify and seize cost-saving opportunities, enabling automatic cloud cost control and efficient workload scaling across various cloud providers.

Spot's automation capabilities set it apart as one of the most invaluable tools for cloud cost management. By automating workload management and optimizing resource allocation, Spot helps businesses to achieve greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness in their cloud operations.

Cloud Custodian

Cloud Custodian is an open-source project incubated by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and licensed under Apache 2.0. It offers a versatile and scalable solution for managing cloud infrastructure resources across AWS, Azure, or GCP. Using automated policies, Cloud Custodian enables organizations to enforce compliance, optimize costs, and enhance security throughout their cloud environment.

Cloud Custodian's flexible architecture empowers users to define policies tailored to their specific requirements, whether controlling resource usage, enforcing security best practices, or optimizing cost allocation. By automating policy enforcement, Cloud Custodian helps streamline cloud operations and ensures adherence to governance standards and regulatory requirements.

Whether you're managing resources across a single cloud provider or a multi-cloud environment, Cloud Custodian provides a unified platform for policy-driven management. This empowers organizations to achieve greater efficiency, reliability, and security across their cloud platforms.

Cloud Cost Governance Tool

Cloud cost governance involves a combination of cost visibility, budget management, cost allocation, resource optimization, and policy enforcement activities. These practices help you monitor and control your cloud spend. 

For that, cloud cost governance tools can properly govern the state of your infrastructure and all its applications and resources to ensure proper usage and cost-effectiveness. By leveraging these tools, you can achieve better oversight of your cloud environment and make strategic decisions to control and optimize your cloud costs.

CloudHealth By VMWare

CloudHealth, a leading cloud cost management tool developed by VMware, provides governance over cloud costs. Aria Cost and Aria Automation are integral components of the CloudHealth brand, designed to streamline deployments across major cloud platforms and hybrid environments.

CloudHealth's robust cost accounting module meticulously tracks spending, enabling precise allocation to business teams and optimizing deployments to minimize costs. The platform's modeling layer enables the creation of comprehensive amortization and consumption schedules, supporting accurate forecasting of future demand.

Financial managers and development teams benefit from CloudHealth's granular insights, which enables them to drill down into forecasts and focus on specific applications or service constellations. Moreover, CloudHealth's comprehensive product line seamlessly integrates cost management with automated deployment and security enforcement, ensuring holistic governance over cloud operations.

Monitor and Analysis Tools

Consistent monitoring and  analysis of your cloud environment are essential for effective cloud cost optimization. By leveraging monitoring tools, you can gain insights into your cloud's health to improve overall performance, boost security measures, and avoid unnecessary costs. 

These tools allow you to identify and address any unforeseen issues proactively, ensuring your cloud environment runs efficiently and effectively. By staying vigilant and making data-driven decisions, you can achieve optimal resource utilization and maintain a secure, cost-effective cloud infrastructure.

Apptio Cloudability

Experience seamless AWS cost management with Apptio Cloudability, which empowers companies to monitor, analyze, and optimize their AWS usage with ease. Gain valuable insights into your AWS cloud costs, track usage patterns, and identify areas of inefficiency or overspending with precision.

Cloudability goes beyond mere observation; it provides actionable recommendations for optimizing Reserved Instances, right-sizing instances, and implementing other cost-saving measures. With Cloudability's intelligent suggestions, companies can proactively streamline their AWS expenses and maximize cost efficiency.

Additionally, Cloudability provides automated budget management alerts, enabling companies to stay informed about spending anomalies in real-time. By preemptively identifying potential billing surprises, Cloudability helps companies maintain financial control and allocate resources effectively.


Elevate your cloud cost management with CloudZero's advanced platform, providing comprehensive insights into your company's cloud expenses. Instead of just showing total expenditure, CloudZeroprovides a detailed breakdown of the specifics, highlighting the what, why, and where of your spending.

CloudZero's in-depth analysis encourages meaningful conversations between engineers and finance teams, creating a collaborative environment where all stakeholders can understand the nuances of cloud costs and accurately assess return on investment (ROI).

With CloudZero, you gain clarity on which services, resources, and activities drive your costs, enabling informed decision-making and resource optimization. CloudZero's precise analytics and collaborative features can bridge the gap between technical and financial perspectives and maximize the value of your cloud investments.

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