
Ankur Mandal

AWS Monitoring Essentials: Keep Your Cloud Infrastructure in Check


Ankur Mandal

5 min read

Due to the complexity and scale of cloud infrastructure, many businesses struggle to maintain optimal performance and security in their AWS environments. This often leads to undetected issues, potential security vulnerabilities, and inefficiencies that can disrupt operations. Enters AWS monitoring! It addresses these challenges by providing comprehensive insights, alerting, and metrics tracking.

Introduction To AWS Monitoring

AWS monitoring refers to the practice of observing and managing the performance, availability, and reliability of applications and infrastructure hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It involves continuously tracking the state of various AWS cloud resources, applications, and services to detect, diagnose, and address issues promptly.

The significance of AWS monitoring is evident in several key areas:

  • Proactive Issue Detection: Identifies potential problems before they impact end-users, enabling quicker resolution and minimizing downtime.
  • Enhanced Performance: Provides insights into resource utilization, helping optimize applications and infrastructure for better performance.
  • Improved Security: Ensures adherence to security policies and alerts administrators to suspicious activities, maintaining a secure environment.
  • Cost Efficiency: Helps manage and reduce costs by monitoring and optimizing the usage of cloud resources.

To effectively implement AWS monitoring and achieve these benefits, it is essential to understand its core components and areas to be monitored. Each element plays a crucial role in maintaining system health and ensuring optimal performance. The following sections will delve into the key areas for monitoring in AWS.

Areas To Be Monitored in AWS

Monitoring an AWS cloud environment comprehensively involves tracking various areas to ensure optimal performance, reliability, security, and cost-efficiency. Here's a breakdown of the key areas that need to be monitored:

1. Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring ensures that AWS resources and applications operate efficiently and meet performance expectations. It is always a key area to be monitored at first. 

Components to Monitor

Compute Resources (e.g., EC2 instances, Lambda functions):

  • CPU Utilization: Measure CPU usage to ensure it remains within acceptable limits to handle workload demands effectively.
  • Memory Utilization: Monitor memory usage to prevent performance degradation due to memory constraints.
  • Disk I/O Operations: Track read/write operations to assess storage performance and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Network Traffic and Latency: Monitor incoming and outgoing data traffic and latency to detect anomalies that could impact application performance.
  • Application Response Times: Measure end-to-end response times to ensure applications are responsive and meeting SLAs.

Storage Services (e.g., S3, EBS):

  • Throughput and Latency: Monitor data access speed and latency to optimize storage performance across services like S3 and Elastic Block Storage.
  • Data Transfer Rates: Track data transfer speeds to manage costs and performance expectations.

By regularly monitoring these indicators, administrators can identify performance bottlenecks, such as a CPU maxed out by an excessive load or memory leaks creating slowdowns. 

After all, detecting and fixing these problems contributes to the continued smooth functioning of all applications and services. This guarantees that they satisfy the predetermined performance standards for the best possible user experience and system dependability.

2. Security Monitoring

Security monitoring protects AWS resources and data from unauthorized access, breaches, and other security threats. Its primary objective is to protect applications and data from security risks and unauthorized access. It constantly monitors the network for aberrant activity, such as unexpected traffic patterns or strange API calls.

Components to Monitor

  • User and Role Activity: Monitor IAM actions and changes to detect unauthorized access attempts.
  • Policy Changes: Track changes to IAM policies to ensure compliance and security.
  • VPC Flow Logs: Analyze traffic patterns and detect anomalies or potential security incidents.
  • Security Group Changes: Monitor changes to security group rules to ensure only authorized traffic flows.
  • API Activity: Monitor API calls and logging to track user activity and detect suspicious behavior.
  • Security Analysis: Use CloudTrail logs for security analysis, compliance audits, and incident response.

As a result, it is essential to ensure the security of AWS monitoring. Several AWS tools are available to assist with security monitoring. For instance, you can utilize AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config to monitor and log all activities within your AWS account to detect any unauthorized access attempts or security breaches.

3. Resource Utilization Monitoring

Resource utilization monitoring ensures efficient use of AWS resources to optimize performance and reduce hidden cloud costs. Under this, you can monitor the utilization of CPU, memory, and storage resources to identify bottlenecks or over-provisioned instances that can lead to inefficiencies.

Components to Monitor

  • Metrics and Alarms: Monitor CPU, memory, disk, and network metrics to set alarms and respond to resource utilization thresholds.
  • Auto Scaling: Monitor scaling activities to adjust resources based on demand to optimize utilization and maintain performance.
  • Instance Metrics and Monitoring: Track and optimize EC2 instance usage, including reserved instances, to maximize efficiency and minimize costs.

Resource utilization monitoring is crucial to ensure businesses aren't over or underprovisioning their AWS services. For instance, you can leverage Lucidity, an innovative third-party tool, to automate the right-sizing as per demand.

4. Cost Monitoring

Monitoring resource utilization has a relative impact on costs. Budgeting for the costs associated with any cloud service is necessary. Thus, cost monitoring comes into play. 

Cost monitoring helps optimize AWS spending and ensure efficient resource allocation. This will help you identify cost optimization opportunities and ensure you are not overspending on unused resources.

Components to Monitor

  • Cost and Usage Analysis: Analyze spending trends and identify cost-saving opportunities.
  • Budgets and Alerts: Set budgets and receive alerts when costs exceed predefined thresholds.
  • Resource Tagging and Allocation: Monitor resource tags to attribute costs accurately and allocate expenses to specific projects or departments.

AWS provides several resources to help manage expenses. For instance, you can use AWS Cost Explorer, which generates reports every 24 hours detailing the present and anticipated expenses associated with using AWS cloud services. 

Additionally, third-party AWS monitoring solutions like Datadog and Lucidity are preferable because they offer more comprehensive data for visualizing AWS spending. Lucidity's storage audit solution helps you conduct an in-depth analysis of your current cloud block storage usage. It also assists in calculating your cost and resource utilization on AWS with its innovative ROI calculator.

5. Compliance Monitoring

Compliance monitoring ensures AWS resources and operations adhere to regulatory requirements and organizational policies. This ongoing verification procedure compares setups, data processing procedures, and access controls to specified compliance standards.

Components to Monitor

  • Configuration Changes: Monitor changes to AWS resource configurations and track compliance with organizational policies.
  • Compliance Rules: Define and monitor rules to ensure resource configurations meet regulatory requirements (e.g. HIPAA).
  • Compliance Audits: Conduct regular audits using monitoring tools and logs to verify adherence to compliance standards and regulations.

Compliance monitoring recognizes and corrects non-compliant practices using automated technologies and routine audits. For instance, troubleshooting and compliance audits are made easier by AWS Config's ability to evaluate and report on configuration status and changes.

Monitoring these key areas in an AWS cloud environment ensures proactive management, enhanced security, optimized performance, compliance adherence, and cost-effectiveness. You can leverage AWS native services and tools such as CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Config, and others, along with third-party integrations where necessary.

Moreover, understanding these components helps distinguish between AWS monitoring and observability. While AWS monitoring focuses on collecting and analyzing metrics, logs, and events to detect and address issues, observability goes beyond by providing deeper insights into the internal state of systems and applications, enabling more comprehensive troubleshooting and performance optimization.

The following sections will explore how AWS monitoring and observability differ and how each approach contributes to a robust cloud infrastructure strategy.

AWS Monitoring vs Observability

By comparing AWS monitoring and observability, you can see how they complement each other. Below, we have compared the two using different parameters.

AWS Monitoring

  • Purpose: AWS monitoring focuses on collecting and analyzing metrics, logs, and events from various AWS resources and services to monitor their health, performance, and operational status.
  • Key Components: AWS monitoring tools include AWS CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, and AWS X-Ray.
  • Metrics and Alarms: AWS monitoring typically involves setting up metrics-based monitoring using CloudWatch. Here, you can define alarms to trigger notifications or automated actions based on predefined thresholds. This helps identify and respond to operational issues in real-time.
  • Logs and Auditing: CloudTrail and CloudWatch Logs are used for auditing and logging API activity, resource configuration changes, and application logs, providing visibility into user activity and system behavior.
  • Focus: Monitoring primarily tracks AWS infrastructure and applications' performance metrics, resource utilization, and operational health. It ensures systems function within expected parameters and helps maintain service reliability and availability.


  • Purpose: Observability extends beyond traditional monitoring by emphasizing the ability to understand the internal state of systems and applications. This is done through data collection, aggregation, and analysis of metrics, traces, logs, and other contextual information.
  • Key Components: Observability tools typically include metrics monitoring (like AWS CloudWatch), distributed tracing (AWS X-Ray), logging (CloudTrail and CloudWatch Logs), and additional analysis tools for deeper insights.
  • Holistic View: Observability provides a holistic view of complex, distributed systems by correlating data from various sources (metrics, logs, traces) to gain comprehensive insights into system behavior, performance bottlenecks, and interactions between microservices.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Observability tools facilitate root cause analysis by allowing teams to trace requests and transactions across different services, identify dependencies, and pinpoint the exact source of issues or anomalies.
  • Dynamic Environments: Observability is especially valuable in dynamic and microservices-based architectures where traditional monitoring may not provide sufficient visibility into interconnected components and their interactions.

While monitoring is about detecting and reacting to known issues, observability is about exploring and understanding unknown problems. Observability helps you gain insights that go beyond the capabilities of traditional monitoring, enabling you to predict and address issues before they impact your system. Integrating both approaches ensures a robust strategy for maintaining an efficient and resilient AWS environment.

Once you understand how AWS monitoring and observability complement each other, the next step is to implement an effective monitoring strategy. This involves several key stages that ensure a comprehensive approach to maintaining and optimizing your AWS environment. The following sections will outline the stages for successful AWS monitoring, providing a roadmap to achieve optimal performance, reliability, and cost efficiency.

Stages for Successful AWS Monitoring

Implementing an effective monitoring strategy for your AWS environment involves several interconnected stages, each crucial for ensuring the performance, reliability, and security of your applications and infrastructure. Following these stages will help you establish a robust and comprehensive monitoring framework.

1. Define Monitoring Objectives

The first step in building a successful AWS monitoring strategy is to define clear monitoring objectives. This involves:

  • Identifying Key Metrics: Determine which performance and health metrics are critical for your applications and infrastructure. Common metrics include CPU usage, memory consumption, network latency, request rates, and error rates.
  • Setting Goals: Establish specific goals and thresholds for these metrics to define acceptable performance levels and detect anomalies. This can include SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and SLOs (Service Level Objectives).
  • Compliance and Security Requirements: Identify any regulatory compliance, security policies, and best practices that your monitoring strategy must adhere to. This ensures that your monitoring approach supports both operational and legal requirements.

Next, move to selecting the right tools that align with your defined objectives.

2. Select Appropriate Monitoring Tools

AWS offers a suite of monitoring tools tailored for different aspects of your infrastructure. Choose the tools that best meet your needs:

  • Amazon CloudWatch: For collecting and tracking metrics, logs, and setting alarms. It provides real-time data and actionable insights.
  • AWS CloudTrail: For logging and continuously monitoring AWS account activity. Useful for governance, compliance, and operational auditing.
  • AWS X-Ray: For analyzing and debugging distributed applications, particularly those using microservices architecture.
  • AWS Trusted Advisor: For real-time guidance on best practices in cost optimization, performance, security, fault tolerance, and service limits.
  • AWS Config: For assessing, auditing, and evaluating configurations of your AWS resources to ensure compliance and security.
  • Amazon GuardDuty and AWS Security Hub: For continuous threat detection and security monitoring.

Once the tools are selected, the next step is to configure them to collect and store the necessary data.

3. Set Up Monitoring and Logging

Proper configuration of monitoring tools is essential for effective data collection and analysis:

  • Metrics Collection: Configure CloudWatch to collect and track metrics for all relevant AWS services and custom applications. Set up custom metrics if needed.
  • Log Management: Use CloudWatch Logs to capture and store log data from various sources such as EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and other AWS services. Ensure log retention policies are in place.
  • Event Tracking: Enable CloudTrail to log all API calls and events across your AWS account. This is crucial for auditing and troubleshooting.

With data collection in place, it’s important to set up alerts and notifications for proactive monitoring.

4. Create Alerts and Notifications

Alerts and notifications help you respond promptly to issues:

  • CloudWatch Alarms: Define alarms based on key metrics and thresholds. These alarms can trigger notifications or automated actions when specific conditions are met.
  • SNS (Simple Notification Service): Use SNS to send alerts via email, SMS, or other messaging services to relevant stakeholders.
  • Automated Responses: Implement automated responses, such as scaling actions or instance replacements, based on alarm conditions to mitigate issues quickly.

Visualization of monitoring data through dashboards is the next step.

5. Build Dashboards and Visualization

Visualizing your monitoring data helps in understanding the overall health and performance of your AWS environment:

  • CloudWatch Dashboards: Create customized dashboards to display key metrics, logs, and alarms in a single view. This provides an at-a-glance understanding of your infrastructure's status.
  • Third-Party Tools: Integrate third-party monitoring and visualization tools likeLucidity, Grafana or Datadog if needed, to enhance your monitoring capabilities and visualization options.

Monitoring is an ongoing process, requiring continuous improvement.

6. Implement Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Continuous assessment and improvement ensure your monitoring strategy remains effective:

  • Regular Reviews: Periodically review your monitoring setup, metrics, and thresholds to ensure they align with your current business needs and goals.
  • Performance Tuning: Analyze collected data to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your applications and infrastructure accordingly.
  • Incident Management: Develop and refine incident response plans based on insights gained from monitoring data and past incidents.

Maintaining compliance and security is crucial for a successful monitoring strategy.

7. Ensure Compliance and Security

Compliance and security must be integral to your monitoring strategy:

  • Compliance Audits: Use AWS Config, CloudTrail, and Security Hub to regularly audit your environment for compliance with industry standards and internal policies.
  • Security Monitoring: Continuously monitor for security threats and vulnerabilities using services like GuardDuty. Integrate with AWS Security Hub for a centralized view of security findings.
  • Automated Remediation: Implement automated remediation actions for common security issues and compliance violations to enhance your security posture.

Integration with DevOps practices ensures monitoring is part of your development lifecycle.

8. Integrate with DevOps Practices

Seamless integration with DevOps practices ensures comprehensive monitoring:

  • CI/CD Pipelines: Include monitoring configuration as part of your CI/CD pipelines to ensure new applications and updates are automatically monitored.
  • Infrastructure as Code: Use tools like AWS CloudFormation or Terraform to manage your monitoring setup as code, enabling version control and reproducibility.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops where monitoring data informs development and operations decisions, leading to continuous improvement and faster issue resolution.

Leverage advanced technologies like machine learning and automation for enhanced monitoring.

9. Leverage Machine Learning and Automation

Advanced monitoring strategies involve leveraging machine learning and automation:

  • Anomaly Detection: Use machine learning-based services, such as CloudWatch Anomaly Detection, to automatically identify unusual patterns in your metrics.
  • Predictive Scaling: Implement predictive scaling policies using CloudWatch and AWS auto scaling practices to adjust resources proactively based on predicted demand.
  • Automated Insights: To continuously optimize your environment, utilize AWS services that provide automated insights and recommendations, such as Trusted Advisor and AWS Compute Optimizer.

By following these steps, organizations can establish a robust AWS monitoring framework that ensures visibility, proactive management, security, compliance, and efficient utilization of cloud resources.

However, not all AWS monitoring solutions can support all kinds of resources to monitor. Some may be perfect for databases, while others are better suited for infrastructure or network traffic monitoring. Many AWS monitoring tools are available for all the services except storage monitoring and optimization with advanced autoscaling practices. 

That’s where Lucidity enters. 

Lucidity For AWS Monitoring

Because AWS does not offer live shrinking of storage resources, resources must be reduced while not in use. This emphasizes the need for an automated method for AWS cost optimization, enabling smooth expansion and shrinkage Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes. Herein lies the role of Lucidity’s auto-scaler

Lucidity’s EBS Auto-Scaler

Lucidity Block Storage Auto-Scaler is a cutting-edge storage orchestration solution that can be quickly deployed as available on the AWS Marketplace. This state-of-the-art technology dynamically modifies storage capacity with unsurpassed efficiency to meet changing needs. With Lucidity Block Storage Auto-Scaler, you can easily automate and optimize your storage infrastructure, resulting in smooth operations, increased efficiency, and significant cost savings.

Lucidity's comprehensive audit stage, which evaluates current storage plans through in-depth storage audits, starts the scaling process. This audit report provides insightful information on possible areas for savings. 

In contrast to manual discovery techniques or old monitoring systems, Lucidity's storage discovery expedites the procedure and offers thorough insights into cloud costs. Customers are now more equipped to spot and exploit such cost-cutting opportunities.

With Lucidity's storage audit, you may get a detailed breakdown of your current disk costs by examining disk health. This helps you make educated decisions by pointing out idle, underutilized, or overused resources. This audit offers insightful information that might help you understand your spending patterns or find ways to reduce storage costs by up to 70%.

After the storage discovery process, integrating your cloud infrastructure with Lucidity is simple and quick; it usually takes 15 minutes.

The Block Storage Auto-Scaler feature from Lucidity provides various benefits for determining whether resources are overprovisioned or idle.

This advanced auto-scaler detects idle or over-provisioned resources and provides the following benefits:

  1. Automated Expansion and Shrinkage: Lucidity's technology guarantees a steady supply of resources in reaction to variations in demand by automating the scaling procedure. The auto-scaler automatically modifies storage resources to optimize and align workloads for maximum performance, regardless of limited capacity or abrupt use spikes. 
  2. Up to 70% Off on Block Storage Costs: Lucidity's solutions help businesses save up to 70% on idle resource expenditures by automating the modification of storage resources. Significant cost savings can be achieved by optimizing resource allocation and reducing unnecessary spending through the dynamic scalability of storage capacity in response to actual demand.
  3. No Downtime: Manual provisioning may result in expensive downtime. Lucidity's Block Storage Auto-Scaler guarantees that resource adjustments are made in minutes to avoid downtime and guarantee continuous performance. 

Also, as discussed, you can leverage the benefit of the advanced ROI calculator provided by Lucidity to get an estimate of your cloud spending. This will help you save a lot on AWS costs

Leverage AWS Monitoring For Empowering Excellence in the Cloud

In conclusion, monitoring your AWS environment is essential for maintaining optimal performance, security, and cost-effectiveness. By following best practices like automation, utilizing the right tools, and staying proactive in monitoring key metrics, you can ensure your AWS infrastructure's smooth and reliable operation. 

Remember, effective monitoring is a continuous process that requires diligence and attention to detail to keep your AWS environment running smoothly. Moreover, you can connect with Lucidity for a demo if you want to automate your AWS monitoring for block storage.

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